Friday 28 January 2011

Advertising Campaign - Healthy Eating

The brief to this project was to produce an advertising campaign based on the theme healthy eating. I took my own photographs and combined them with text to create a strong, effective design for my target audience 'parents', using Adobe Illustrator. 


My task was to produce a set of prints based on the theme 'traces'. I looked further into the given theme and chose to base my prints on my family and the war. The three outcomes above were produced from old photographs using an etching technique.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

CD design

Painting - Missed Connections

This aim of this project was to create a large painting on canvas that could be exhibited at the Frieze Art Fair. The theme I based my painting on was ‘missed connections’ which was inspired by the work of Sophie Blackall. I used my own photography to create an individual style to the painting and produced a textured background by using a layering and collage technique.

Fusion Cards

The compositions above are two of four card designs I produced that would be sold in an art gallery shop called 'Fusion'. To create the imagery I layered hand generated work from previous sketchbooks along with fabrics using Photoshop.

Fusion Logo Design

Above are layout sheets showing my original ideas and also a final design of a logo I created using Adobe Illustrator for a cafe situated in an art gallery. 


The brief I was set was to produce two compositions that convey a meaning of a chosen quote using only type and mark making. Again using Photoshop I layered up both hand generated and digital work from previous projects. Due to not been able to use imagery I had to consider how I could get my meaning across through just the compostion and type.

V&A Poster

Using my own hand generated text and imagery I created a poster advertising an art exhibition as part of my NCFE digital imaging. I used layering and different effects on Photoshop to combine my information with imagery to produce a clear detailed poster design.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

City Photography

City Project
I took these photographs for my illustration project based on the city, I chose to take the photographs of the main city aspects such as busy roads, cars, buildings and factories so my theme was made clear.